• 一个锡兰农庄主的妻子不堪丈夫的木讷而移情别恋,在经受了霍乱、季风和象群的侵扰后认识到丈夫才是自己最爱的人。但奥利弗怂恿费雯·丽接受邀请,尽管他自己没有接受担任男主角的邀请。此时奥利弗自组的戏剧演出公司濒临破产的边缘,费雯接拍电影所获得的高额片酬无疑大有用处。费雯·丽就此踏上了远赴锡兰热带丛林的旅程,而她的人生悲剧也就此面临新的磨难。
  • 艾本(约瑟夫·科顿JosephCotten饰)是一名画家,靠着自己的勤奋和努力生存,然而,那个时代实在是太萧条了,所以艾本始终活在濒临破产的边缘。某日,画家偶然中遇见了一位名为珍妮(珍妮弗·琼斯JenniferJones饰)的女孩,艾本为珍妮画了一张速写,让他没有想到的是,这张速写被画廊老板相中,并交代他再画一些这样的画。之后,艾本和珍妮断断续续的见着面,画家以她为模特创作出了一幅又一幅作品,随着时间的推移,艾本和珍妮之间渐渐产生了一种奇妙的羁绊。珍妮长大了,艾本所画的一副珍妮的肖像油画被博物馆收藏了,他的生活亦渐渐得到了改善。可是,与此同时,珍妮却消失了。
  • 故事发生在古希腊的雅典,赫米拉(奥利维娅·德哈维兰OliviadeHavilland饰)和拉山德(迪克·鲍威尔DickPowell饰)深深的爱慕着彼此,可是两人的恋情却遭到了赫米拉家人的强烈反对,因为他们早已经给女儿相中了名为狄米特律斯(罗斯·亚历山大RossAlexander饰)的男子作为夫婿。为此,赫米拉和拉山德决定私奔,并且逃到了一片森林之中。之后,赫米拉的好友海伦娜(琼·缪尔JeanMuir饰)带着狄米特律斯也来到了森林之中。森林里居住着一群调皮可爱的精灵们,此时,仙王(HobartCavanaugh饰)和仙后(VerreeTeasdale饰)正在闹别扭,于是,仙王决定好好的捉弄一下误闯森林的这些男男女女们。
  • Danny Haley's bookie operation is shut down, so he and his pals need money; when Danny meets Arthur Winant, a sucker from out of town, he decoys him into a series of poker games where eventually Winant loses $5000 that isn't his...then hangs himself. But it seems Winant had a shadowy, protective elder brother who believes in personal revenge. And each of the card players in turn feels a faceless doom inexorably closing in. Dark streets and sexy torch-singer Fran lend ambience.
  • Lois Ames is devoted to her job as the editor of a magazine, and her wealthy husband Fred is equally dedicated to polo and parties. Lois's long hours drive her secretary to quit, and she replaces her with Tom Sheridan, who happens to be in the office demonstrating a rowing machine. Tom likes the work and continues to advance until he is indispensable to Lois. Ruth Holman, Tom's fiancée, is jealous of Tom's relationship with Lois and with some reason, as he is falling in love with her. In the meantime, Fred is having an affair with Ann Le Maire, a woman whose interests are closer to his own. Because he feels his love for Lois is hopeless, Tom quits his job and plans his marriage to Ruth. Lois tries to patch things up with Fred, but he suggests that they divorce instead. On Tom's last night, Lois keeps him working late. Ruth is furious and storms up to the office where Lois and Tom are dining. She threatens to tell Lois's husband about their relationship, which leaves the way clear for L
  • 威廉.狄特尔执导的这部影片获得了第十届奥斯卡最佳影片等三个奖项。故事描述法国文坛巨匠左拉的一生经历,以及他为了正义而不屈不挠的精神。重点讲述他为军官德雷福克斯平反冤案时的遭遇和他不畏强权势力的正义感。保罗.茂尼和约瑟夫.史屈克劳的演出精彩令人难忘,就几场法庭辩论戏这部分而言,本片也可视为法庭电影的先锋。
  • 撒旦遇见淑女
  • 艾伦(约瑟夫·科顿 Joseph Cotten 饰)是一名士兵,战友罗杰(Robert Sully 饰)请求艾伦帮自己给自己的女友维多利亚写信,在此过程中,艾伦无法自持的爱上了这个素未谋面的女孩。一场意外中,艾伦受伤进入医院疗养,而罗杰先他一步回到了家乡,顺利和维多利亚携手步入了婚姻的殿堂。艾伦虽然感到十分难过,但也只有献上祝福。让艾伦没有想到的是,没过多久,他便收到了罗杰的死讯,于是,他来到了罗杰的家乡,想要找到维多利亚。然而,抵达了目的地的艾伦震惊的得知,维多利也竟然也已经去世了,而另一个名叫辛格尔顿(珍妮弗·琼斯 Jennifer Jones 饰)的女孩的身影浮出了水面。
  • A down-on-his-luck farmer makes a deal with the devil for seven years of prosperity. When Mr. Scratch comes to collect, orator and hero of the common man Daniel Webster comes to the rescue. Based on the short story by Stephen Vincent Benet. Also known as All That Money Can Buy.
  • Danny Haley's bookie operation is shut down, so he and his pals need money; when Danny meets Arthur Winant, a sucker from out of town, he decoys him into a series of poker games where eventually Winant loses $5000 that isn't his...then hangs himself. But it seems Winant had a shadowy, protective elder brother who believes in personal revenge. And each of the card players in turn feels a faceless doom inexorably closing in. Dark streets and sexy torch-singer Fran lend ambience.
  • 上帝和魔鬼梅菲斯特(爱米尔·强宁斯 Emil Jannings 饰)以浮士德的灵魂为赌注打赌,梅菲斯特坚称饱读诗书满腹经纶的大学士浮士德(格斯塔·埃克曼 Gösta Ekman 饰)会在欲望的引诱之下日渐堕落,而上帝则相信浮士德的理性终究会打败欲望。梅菲斯特化身成为一条黑狗来到了浮士德的身边,并且成为了随时随地满足他任何愿望的仆人。在梅菲斯特的带领下,浮士德返老还童成为了神采奕奕的青年,并且邂逅了单纯善良的玛格丽特(卡米拉·霍恩 Camilla Horn 饰),在梅菲斯特的作弄之下,玛格丽特坠入了爱河,却在意外之中误杀了自己的母亲,她的哥哥亦死在了浮士德的手中。绝望的玛格丽特最终因为杀死了自己的孩子而被关入了监狱之中,而浮士德的旅途却并未走到尽头。
  • 保罗·莱尼拍摄于1924年的《蜡人馆》被普遍认为是表现主义的最后一部作品。这部作品采用了与《疲倦的死神》相类似的叙事结构,讲述一个蜡人馆的老板请来一位作家为自己的蜡像人物编故事。作家编写了三个故事:哈里发的故事、伊凡雷帝的故事和“恐怖杰克”的故事。其中第一个几乎完全脱胎于《疲倦的死神》,第二个则是有关俄罗斯历史上的暴君,第三个更是诡异离奇,基本上是英国近代史上两个杀人狂魔“弹簧腿杰克”和“开膛手杰克”的结合体,这两个杰克都是历史上的悬案,传说他们是地狱的使者,在人世间嗜血如命、杀人如麻。在影片的最后,连作家本人也被杰克追杀。我想,现在那些有关连环杀人犯的恐怖电影,其源头恐怕得追溯到这里。